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Parent / Carer letter with regards to Catholic Multi Academy Trusts (MATs)
Please find attached a letter regarding our progress toward a Multi Academy Trust. Click here to download a copy of the letter.
Parent Bulletin - Spring 2020
Please find attached a copy of our Parent Bulletin for Spring 2020. We hope you find the information included useful. If you have any...
Year 11 - National Citizen Service
Dear Parent/Guardian National Citizen Service want to make you aware of a fantastic opportunity for your son/daughter in Summer 2020....
Public Health Service - Letter to all Schools with regards recent Flu-Like Illness
Please find attached a letter sent to all schools with regards to the Flu-Like Illness and Diarrhoea / Vomiting in Schools Public Health...
Inclement Weather Procedures
Bad Weather Procedure Decisions about closing the school or sending students home early will not be taken lightly and will be done in...

'Outstanding' Diocesan Inspection - November 2019
Please find below our Diocesan Inspection report. As you will see, we have achieved 'outstanding' in all three categories: Catholic Life;...

Concept Kitchen - Super Spud
Available in the Dining Hall from Thursday, 21st November 2019.
Traffic management around school
Dear Parent/Carer, I am writing to provide you with an update to the traffic management situation at school. Congestion at 8.45am and...

Chinese Lunch
Chinese Lunch - 24th September 2019
SEND and Inclusion – Have your say
Durham County Council would like to ask for your views on the services they provide for children and young people with special education...
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