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School Crossing Patrol
School Crossing Patrol - Maiden Law Bank/A691 that serves pupils who attend our school remains unmanned. The post is currently vacant....
Statements from Pope Francis, Bishop Robert Byrne and the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales c
Statements from Pope Francis, Bishop Robert Byrne and the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales condemn the death of George Floyd In...
Edenred now have a dedicated help email for parents: If you are having any difficulties...
Letter from the NCS
Dear colleagues, parents and students, I am writing to update you on the steps that NCS are taking and how we are supporting our schools,...
Key Stage 3 Reading List
We have compiled a list of books for our Key Stage 3 students to hopefully read when they can. Download the list here
Parents/carers of all Year 7 students
HPV vaccines will be offered to your child in September 2020. To consent please visit School Code...
Consultation Afternoons
Do you have any questions about your Sixth Form subject choices? Consultation meetings are available with the Sixth Form Team for Year 11...
National Citizen Service
The NCS (National Citizen Service) are due to attend St Bede's school to deliver a presentation. NCS is a nationally recognized...
Parent / Carer letter with regards to Catholic Multi Academy Trusts (MATs)
Please find attached a letter regarding our progress toward a Multi Academy Trust. Click here to download a copy of the letter.
Parent Bulletin - Spring 2020
Please find attached a copy of our Parent Bulletin for Spring 2020. We hope you find the information included useful. If you have any...
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