Uniform Policy From September 2023
2023 – 2024
Mrs C Hammill, Headteacher
Mrs M Gray, Chair of Local Governing Committee
Date approved by: 29-06-23
Statutory Policy: No
Required on Website: Yes
Review Period: Annual
Next Review Date: June 2024
Reviewed by: Local Governing Committee
This policy is guided by the DfE non-statutory guidance on school uniform. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-uniform/school-uniforms
This Uniform Policy is for all students in Years 7-11 and our expectation is that all students adhere to it.
All students are required to wear school uniform to and from school, during the school day and when participating in school-organised events.
This policy aims to:
Clarify the expectations of school uniform for students in Years 7 – 11.
Be inclusive at all levels – social, cultural and religious.
Promote the ethos of our school and engender a feeling of community and belonging.
Ensure our uniform is affordable and clarify how families can access confidential support with uniform.
Promote high aspirations, including high standards of achievement and behaviour.M
Make students feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance.
Has been designed with health and safety in mind – it promotes safety in that uniform should aid identification of students (and also those who are not students).
The wearing of a school uniform is compulsory for all students Years 7 – 11. The way students wear their school uniform sends a clear message about their attitude to school. The high expectations we promote support students in demonstrating they have a positive attitude to learning. Correct uniform is a sign that students are fully adhering to our high expectations and sets an appropriate tone for our educational environment.
The following list must be adhered to:
Jewellery is not permitted, with the exception of a wristwatch (smart watches are not permitted).
Piercings of any kind are not permitted. Covering piercings or using a clear plastic retainer is not permitted.
Unnatural colouring/streaking of hair/hair extensions or extreme haircuts/no skin fades with ‘no blade/zero’ and no hair should be shorter than a No. 2.
Make-up of any form (including nail varnish or false, gel or acrylic nails; false eyelashes; fake tan) may not be worn. Our expectation regarding make-up is clear: it is not permitted.
The Headteacher’s decision regarding suitable uniform and whether expectations have been met is final. Students who do not adhere to the uniform policy may be isolated until the issues are resolved or parents may be contacted to collect their child and take them away to rectify the situation and return them to school.
The School Uniform Years 7 –11:
To ensure our uniform is affordable we have kept any branded items to a minimum. Branded uniform items can be bought via our supplier Emblematic:
A designated St. Bede’s blazer (black with school badge). Blazers must be worn at all times unless permission has been given by staff to remove.
A designated St. Bede’s ‘clip on’ school tie.
Items that can be bought from a variety of retailers, to enable value for money to be sought, but must meet the school standards as follows:
A formal plain white school shirt with collar.
Black formal school trousers (Fashion trousers are not permitted: no stretch fabrics, tight fitting, skinny fit, ankle/crop length, jean/chino/informal style) OR Grey pleated or A Line knee length skirt (No tight fitting, above the knee length, stretch fabric, fashion style fabrics; waistband must be visible; skirts must not be ‘rolled up’).
St. Bede’s grey v-neck jumper with designated school badge OR plain grey v-neck formal school jumper (no logo, no branding, no writing; sweaters are not permitted; must be formal v neck school jumper).
Plain black formal leather/faux leather school shoes (No visible branding, no high heels, no trainer style, boots are not permitted).
Plain black opaque tights or black ankle- length socks. (No trainer socks, no knee- length socks, no over- the- knee socks).
All students must have a suitable school bag which has sufficient space for their books, planner, textbooks and files.
Outdoor coats must be taken off upon entry to the school building. Extreme fashion jackets, denim jackets and leather/ leather look jackets are not permitted.
Extreme weather: in extreme weather e.g. snowy or icy conditions boots may be worn to support the health and safety of our students: school will provide clear and timely guidance regarding this.
The P.E. Uniform Years 7 – 11:
To ensure our uniform is affordable we have kept any branded items to a minimum. Branded uniform items can be bought via our supplier Emblematic. Items that can be bought from a variety of retailers, to enable value for money to be sought:
Compulsory items:
St. Bede’s designated unisex polo shirt or St. Bede’s reversible rugby shirt.
Plain black shorts: no logo, no branding, no writing, shorts must be of an appropriate length with consideration for the sporting activities involved in P.E.
Trainers: must be appropriate and with adequate support (fashion/converse trainers are not permitted).
Optional items:
St. Bede’s designated tracksuit bottoms or plain black tracksuit bottoms: no logo, no branding, no writing.
St. Bede’s designated leggings or plain black opaque leggings: no logo, no branding, no writing, no sheer ‘see-through’ material.
St. Bede’s designated hooded top OR plain black hooded top: no logo, no branding, no writing.
Inclusive Community
We are a loving inclusive Catholic community and welcome to our school students from all faiths and cultures. We fully support students where they adapt our uniform in light of their religious beliefs and respectfully ask that wherever possible the school colours of burgundy, black or grey are used and for safeguarding purposes the student’s face is clearly visible.
Environmental Consideration and Support for Families with Purchasing Uniform:
Our school recognises we have a role to play as stewards of the planet in being proactive in our responsibility to protect the environment. We are in the process of setting up a Uniform Bank which will be made available to parents. If you have items to donate, please contact school or bring items to our school reception. We are also here to support our students and their families. If any parent/carer would like to access our uniform bank in order to reduce the environmental impact of purchasing new uniform OR requires support with uniform for their child, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us either by telephoning school or via our ‘contact us’ form on the school website. Please request contact with Mrs McHale Deputy Headteacher Pastoral, any request will be treated in the strictest of confidence: CONTACT | website (stbedes.durham.sch.uk)
Uniform Suppliers:
All designated St. Bede’s items are available from:
Acceptable footwear: formal school shoes.
Unacceptable footwear: no visible branding, no high heels, no trainer style, boots are not permitted.