DJ Kelechi and J VesselWhat a day we've had! Our students were privileged to watch a stunning performance from J Vessel and DJ Kelechi - memories like these will remain with students for the rest of their lives. _MG_7426_MG_7466_MG_7461_MG_7445_MG_7449_MG_7441_MG_7435_MG_7434_MG_7430
What a day we've had! Our students were privileged to watch a stunning performance from J Vessel and DJ Kelechi - memories like these will remain with students for the rest of their lives. _MG_7426_MG_7466_MG_7461_MG_7445_MG_7449_MG_7441_MG_7435_MG_7434_MG_7430