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Medical Information Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are reviewing all medical information we hold at school for all children.

The law requires that we hold only the data we are required to hold, consequently, this must be managed throughout the year so that it is current and correct.

All medical data held at school, relative to your child, is stored within your child’s record on Arbor. This is completely confidential and accessed by key staff only.

To support your child’s medical condition/needs, we must ensure that we have the correct data and correlating consents where school supports your child medically and follow the policy outlined on the school website.

We now ask that you inform us of all medical conditions, using your Arbor access. If your child has a medical condition listed in Arbor that no longer applies to them, please end this by applying an ‘end date’ to the condition in your account.

You will also be asked to provide consents for the purposes of administering medication during both routine and emergency situations via Arbor. It is important that records are of diagnosed medical conditions or in the process of diagnosis by a formal practitioner. More information is outlined below. If you do not have a formal diagnosis and you apply to the system, Mrs E Stemp, Medical Support, will contact you to discuss.

Students with asthma/ prescribed an inhaler:

Students should always carry their own inhaler. The inhaler should be clearly labelled with their name and form. Students should ensure they take their inhaler if they are outside for a PE lesson. Students must take their own inhaler on any school trip. Information on inhalers held in school: There has been a change in guidance regarding medication in schools which now allows the school to hold an emergency inhaler which would be used if a child cannot access his/her own inhaler. The inhaler we hold is salbutamol sulphate (Ventolin). This is often referred to as the blue inhaler. This may not be your child’s normal reliever inhaler, but current medical advice is that in an emergency it would be better to use this rather than not give anything.

Students with anaphylaxis:

Students who are diagnosed with anaphylaxis are expected to carry their own emergency pack containing antihistamines and two automatic adrenaline injections which MUST be in date. The pack should be clearly labelled with the student’s name and form. Students would need to take their own emergency pack on any school trip and depending on the nature of the allergen students may also need to take it with them for any outdoor activity including PE.

Information on AAIs held in school:

There has been a change in legislation which allows schools to hold emergency adrenaline. This could be given in the event of a child going into anaphylactic shock and not being able to use/access their own medication. The adrenaline held in school is a 0.3mg dose.

Consent to administer paracetamol in school:

School holds a small amount of paracetamol in school for use when students have an accident or a sudden onset of a minor ailment. Before administering paracetamol, school will always endeavour to contact the parent to seek consent for this. However, there are occasions when it is not possible to speak to a parent. If under these circumstances you are happy for school to administer this medicine to your son/ daughter in line with guidance on the packet, then please consent for us to do so on Arbor.

Medical Plans for school.

If your child has a diagnosed medical condition that requires a medical plan, then please ensure this is forwarded to school. This maybe for epilepsy or diabetes and would include an up-to-date plan for asthma /anaphylaxis. Individual health care plan If your child has a medical condition that you feel impacts on their daily life in school, then please contact the school to discuss if an Individual Health Care Plan would be appropriate. Mrs Stemp will be reviewing medical data and if your child requires a IHCP, within the guidance of the Trust Policy, then arrangements will be made for you to attend school to agree the plan.

Further action required.

Please proceed to Arbor to consent to any relevant administration of medication.

Copies of this document

A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE HELD ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE FOR REFERENCE. Thank you for your support in advance and helping us provide such vital care for your children.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs G Cuthbertson - Operations Manager

Mrs E Stemp - First Aid and Medical Lead


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