Beating Cervical Cancer
Dear Parent/Carer
The HPV vaccine is being offered to all 12 and 13-year-old girls in school Year 8, starting in September 2018.
If you wish for your child to have their HPV vaccination please complete an electronic consent form by clicking on the link below.
(Please note this form CAN be completed on smart phones and tablets)
The vaccine to protect against cervical cancer is being offered to your child in school when they commence in Year 8. By having this vaccination, your child will be protected against the most common cause of cervical cancer. There are two vaccinations to be given six months apart; the first will be given in the autumn term 2018 and the second in summer 2019. If for any reason your daughter is absent from school on a vaccination day don’t worry as we will return to school at a later date to complete the vaccinations.
If you would like more details regarding the HPV vaccination you can order or download a Q&A information sheet at:
We hope that the information provided addresses any concerns you or your child might have about the vaccination and that you will both feel confident that by having the HPV vaccine your child will be protecting herself and others from a very serious disease later in life.
If you have any questions regarding this or do not have internet access or difficulty completing the form please contact us on:
Durham and Darlington – 03000 030013
Middlesbrough – 0300 3031603
Yours sincerely
Karen Guest-Humphries
Clinical Lead
Childhood Immunisation Team for Durham, Darlington and Teesside