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YEAR 7: Maths Parents' Information Evening


We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to an event we are running at St. Bede’s on Tuesday 14th November at 5.30pm.

Our mission at St. Bede’s is to provide all our students with the skills, qualities and qualifications that prepare them for the future. In this regard, achievement in mathematics is absolutely vital.

The first session of the evening will give information on the schemes of learning your child is following and the additional support we offer in school to maximise the progress for all. A question that we are often asked during discussions with parents is, “How can I help my child with their maths?” During the second and third sessions of the evening we will hope to provide you with the answer, by focusing on methods of arithmetic and problem solving strategies which are key to the success of all pupils in maths.

We have a number of initiatives in school that allow us to give extra time and support to these students, from their arrival in Year 7, but I know that there is no greater care than that given by a child’s family. We would like to provide you with any help or resources that you may need to be able to aid your son/daughter with their maths.

I do hope that you can join us in the main hall on Tuesday 14th November. The evening will be interactive, with plenty of opportunity for you to seek answers to questions, and with resources available for you to take away. This occasion is aimed specifically for adults, but children are welcome to attend.

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