Another record year of outstanding A-level results!

It has been another record year for results at St Bede’s Catholic Sixth Form College, Lanchester, with an outstanding 52% of entries attaining A*-B grades - a figure well above the government target for this cohort - and an overall pass rate of 100%. A-level results here at St Bede's have been consistently outstanding, securing our students’ places in the country’s top universities.
Headteacher, Neville Harrison, is delighted with this year’s results: “I am absolutely thrilled with the amazing results that our students have achieved. A-levels are more challenging and rigorous than ever and our students have worked diligently throughout their two years of study to achieve their very best. On behalf of the governors and staff, I’d like to congratulate each and every one of them. I am also incredibly proud of our team of specialist A-level teachers, whose exceptional subject knowledge has ensured that our students have achieved the very highest grades and accessed the Russell Group universities. These results have further strengthened St Bede’s’ reputation as an outstanding A-level provider in County Durham.”
He added: “Whatever our students have chosen to do, be it university, an apprenticeship or into employment, we wish them every success and happiness for their future and we hope they cherish many happy memories of their time at St Bede’s.”