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Vaccine Information for Year 13 Students

St Bede’s have been asked by Public Health England to inform you that your son/daughter will be invited for the Men ACWY vaccine. Older teenagers and young adults who are not vaccinated are at risk of getting MenW infection, so need to get vaccinated. The vaccine also helps protect others around them. Your son/daughter may have had a MenC vaccination before but still require the MenACWY vaccine as this gives the extra protection needed. The vaccination is free and may save their life.

If your son or daughter is not up to date with the MMR vaccine which helps protect against measles mumps and rubella, they should get this at the same appointment.

The Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust immunisation team that come into St Bede’s are running extra immunisation sessions at Stanley One Point from the 14th of August. If you wish to make an appointment you can contact them on 01423542219.

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