Student E-Mail Support
To log into your e-mail account, your username is the same as your network login.
For example:
If your network login is 15smith.g your e-mail login would be 15smith.g
Your password is the same as your network login.
If you are filling in forms and it asks for your e-mail address please remember to add to the end of your username.
Problems logging in? Visit our support centre for help.
Please note: All e-mail activity is constantly monitored, archived and periodically checked. Any misuse or abuse of the system will not be tolerated.
Staff E-Mail Support
(For speed and full functionality we would suggest downloading and installing the full client.)
Downloading FirstClass at home
To download the FirstClass program please click your current operating system.
Firstclass for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10
Setting up Firstclass at Home
Click here to download the setup guide.
Click here to view a video demonstration setting up FirstClass.
If you encounter any problems accessing your e-mail, please contact our helpdesk on