International School Award
Our international work has gone from strength to strength over the last 12 months. In Spring 2021 we embarked on our international journey with the intention of embedding internationalism in our curriculum. We applied for the intermediate level of the International School Award in June 2021 and were delighted to be awarded the Intermediate level and also granted funding via the Turing Scheme.
We have an active International Committee with representatives from all departments in school and Senior leaders, and an International Policy. The Committee meet half-termly and have been actively modifying our International School Policy as well as an international plan to ensure that it caters for all of our children, addressing and celebrating their diverse backgrounds, languages, and cultures.
We have four exciting new international school partnerships in Spain, France, Nepal, and Abu Dhabi, and one currently being finalised in the Philippines. We have established strong links with partner schools in Granada, Spain, and Saint Quentin, France, and regularly partake in cultural exchange activities with them which provide excellent learning opportunities for both students and staff via our planned joint activities.
We have also formed partnerships with schools in Nepal, Abu Dhabi, and The Philippines, and although still in their infancy, we are confident and excited about future projects where children can share ideas and learn about the different cultures.
Future planned activities include our World Music Day mini festival in June and an ongoing initiative ‘Global Climate Champions’ which aims to unite our partner schools in our efforts to become ‘greener’ and share ideas and plans.
We are most excited about our partnership with a charity in The Philippines (ODE – Overseas Development and Education) and are currently working on creating links between eight primary schools in The Philippines and our eight feeder primary schools. More news to follow!
All of the above activities will have an invaluable impact on the learning and engagement of pupils from all schools involved.
Our aim is to raise well-rounded, respectful, global citizens. Our children are already showing a greater respect and understanding of other cultures and are enthusiastic international learners with a desire to learn more about the international community in which we live.
We are extremely proud of the work we have carried out thus far, and for that which we have planned to go forward.