Year 8 Skills Day
Year 8 spent Wednesday 10th May engaging with a range of visitors and activities to discover the skills needed to suceed in the future.
Visitors from local and national organisations along with FE colleges and Universities came along to the event to help prepare our students for the future.
North East Ambulance Service
Durham University
Northumbria University
North East Raising Aspirations Team
Houghall Campus- Landbased Studies
New College- Green Sector Skills & Sports Teams
Derwentside College
The focus of the activity was designed to ensure our students avoid The Skills Gap in the future
Understanding the Skills needed within different Industries, through hands-on activities.
Raising awareness of Transferable, Sector Specific and Career Management Skills
The event has also been supported with a presentation delivered in tutor time , this has also been shared with students.
Video links for additional support below