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We would love to help you through your Sixth Form journey!

Thinking about what you will need to make your next step a success?  We would love you to choose St Bede’s Sixth Form with staff, including fantastic teachers, who know you well so you can hit the ground running at the start of term.  In addition, you will have the support of the Sixth Form team who will listen to you as well as giving you the care and attention to help you thrive academically and socially. 


Our Sixth Form is a close-knit community offering students lots of opportunities to socialise and celebrate together.


At the end of this year, we carried out a student voice survey for feedback on all aspects of our work in Sixth Form. Our students said:

‘Small class sizes means teachers know you really well’ – Taylor Rawson

‘Feedback is properly listened to and suggestions are considered and acted on where possible’ – Matthew Noble

‘The Sixth Form team are constantly asking for feedback and they care about student well-being’ – Dylan Elgy

‘Sixth Form is a warm and welcoming community’ – Maisy Clark

‘Sixth Form is a vibrant community’ – Lachlan Shaw

‘There is a real sense of community’ – Phoebe Goldsmith

‘Great community and great teachers, the Sixth Form team really care about our lifestyle’ – Lewis Seccombe

‘Teachers are great, passionate and helpful’ – Rosie Seale

‘I can see that the teachers care that I succeed’ – James Higgs

‘Lesson are engaging, knowing the teachers helps you to settle and learn quickly’ – Thomas Jackson


We would love to help you through your Sixth Form journey!



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