Dear Parent/Carer,
We aim to provide the highest quality education for our pupils. We know that they will only benefit fully from this high-quality school experience if they attend regularly and on time. When pupils are absent, they risk missing out on our carefully planned curriculum. Research also tells us that pupils who miss school can sometimes struggle to develop secure and lasting friendships.
Our school is part of the Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust. Headteachers from all Trust schools have worked together with the Trust’s education team to review our approach to attendance. Our new attendance policy, which is published on the school website and available via the school office, takes effect from this week.
We want to work in partnership with you to ensure that all pupils in our school attend well and achieve well, so that they are well prepared for their future. Please find below some of the key messages from the attendance policy: § Please only keep your child off school if they are too ill to attend (Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (
Please contact school by 8.30am if your child is unwell and unable to attend school. For Years 7-11, you can do this by calling the attendance direct line on 01207 523408 or via email : For Sixth Form absences, please contact 01207 523400 to leave a message.
§ Please arrange medical and dental appointments during holidays or after school to avoid disruption to the school day.
§ Except in exceptional circumstances, the school will not authorise any application for leave during term time in the following cases:
- At any time in September. This is a vital period for all pupils to settle into new classes and routines.
- During assessment and examination periods in the school’s calendar which affect your child.
- When a pupil’s attendance for the academic year already includes any level of unauthorised absence.
- Where a period of leave of absence has already been granted earlier in the academic year.
§ Any leave of absence must be formally requested in advance, at least 10 working days prior to the proposed leave of absence, via the form available from our school website or from the office.
§ For any term-time holiday where leave of absence has not been granted, the school will refer the case to the local authority, in line with local authority protocols. This may lead to the local authority issuing a fixed penalty notice.
§ We will communicate your child’s attendance to you each half term to help you to keep check throughout the year. Attendance information is also available through the Arbor parent app.
§ Where your child’s attendance falls below our target of 97%, we may write to you to ask for your help to improve this. Where the attendance falls below 90%, we may invite you into school to meet with us to consider how we can work together to improve your child’s attendance.
§ Good attendance will be celebrated termly via our Rewards assemblies.
If you have any questions about our policy, or you would like help from us to ensure your child’s good attendance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs C McHale,
Deputy Headteacher: Pastoral & Safeguarding