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2022 GCSE and A level Results

Congratulations to our Year 11 and Year 13 students for their tremendous GCSE and A Level results. All their hard work and resilience was well rewarded with two excellent sets of results, which will allow them to progress to the next important stage of their education or training.

In Year 11, results were up on the previous examined year in 2019. Students achieved well across the full range of subjects with well over 40% of students gaining a pass across the full suite of EBacc subjects. Almost 80% of students gained a pass in both English and Mathematics. We look forward to welcoming the majority of students back to our Sixth Form in September.

Year 13 students recorded an excellent set of results. A higher number of students than ever before achieved straight A or A* grades. Our average grade for students’ best 3 A Levels is almost a B. Students go on to a wonderful range of university courses, apprenticeships and other employment or training opportunities. This includes a very large number of Russell group institutions to study a full range of prestigious and exciting courses.


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