Dear Parent/Carer.
I have been in discussions again with Go North East with regard to the the issues that some pupils and their parents have experienced relating to overloading on the St Bede's scholars 828 service. We are all in agreement that this regrettable situation has to be resolved and I know that Go North East are doing all that they can to rectify.
Having monitored loading capacity on the 828, there are high numbers boarding at East Stanley Thatchers foot, thus resulting in buses having a number of seats already occupied when arriving at Stanley Bus Station. This isn't a daily occurrence and therefore could not be foreseen but it has happened on a number of occasions resulting in the bus reaching seating and standing capacity before it has been able to collect at all subsequent stops.
The bus company has considered options to redress this situation and will effect the following changes as from tomorrow morning (19th September 2019):
The service 825 will be amended to assist in Stanley area and this would serve Stanley Bus Station at 08:05 hours
The 831 also serves Stanley Bus Station at 08:07 hours
The 828 departs the Bus Station at 08:19 hours
I am assured that the three buses this will provide adequate coverage. However, we do need your support in encouraging your child to utilise the 825 and 831; I am mindful that they are slightly earlier busses and this may cause some inconvenience to your morning arrangements.
I know that the disruption to the 828 service has been a frustration for some parents and I am grateful for the pro - activity of Go North East in finding a quick solution. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this interim period, it is very much appreciated.
Kind Regards