Subject Title
Religious Studies (Philosophy, Ethics and Religion)
Course Content
Three Components each comprising four themes:
Component 1: A Study of Christianity - Religious figures; Sacred texts; Concepts and life; Social and historical developments in thought and practices.
Component 2: Philosophy of Religion - Arguments for the existence of God; Challenges to religious belief; Problem of evil; Belief as a product of the human mind; Religious experience and religious language.
Component 3: Religion and Ethics - Ethical thought; Deontological ethics; Teleological ethics, Determinism and free will.
Assessments – Three written exam papers.
Paper 1: A Study of Christianity - Written exam lasting 2 hours.
Paper 2: Philosophy of Religion - Written exam lasting 2 hours.
Paper 3: Religion and Ethics - Written exam lasting 2 hours.
Each paper has two sections:
Section A: Answer ONE question from a choice of TWO in this section. Part A worth 20 marks and Part B worth 30 marks.
Section B: Answer ONE question from a choice of THREE in this section. Part A is worth 20 marks and B is worth 30 marks.
Progression into careers via:
This course is particularly useful for progression into careers in Law, Journalism, Teaching, Social Work and careers related to English, History, Arts, Humanities and Social Science degrees.
Length of Course:
A Level: 2 years
Examination Board: